Topic 8: Discipline

We have read and learnt about the roles of the headteacher in a school setting.One of those roles was maintaining discipline.We know the headteacher must sometimes use disciplinary techniques to be an effective administrator. This topic was covered briefly in topic two, this was due to the fact that we were going to consider it in details in this topic.

At the end of this lecture you should be able to:
       1) Define the term discipline
       2) Explain three types of discipline
       3) Identify and describe four causes of indiscipline in schools.
        4) Discuss the word punishment.
         5) Apply the principles of good disciplinary actions in schools

Learning Activities

Activity 1: Discipline
Let us begin by answering the following questions. You are advised to write your answers down in a personal journal as you will be refering to them as we discuss.
  1. What comes to your mind when you here the term "indiscipline"? Watch this youtube video which illustrates indiscipline.How would you handle such cases of indiscipline? Post your answer in the discussion forum.
Types of discipline
From the link read on the three types of discipline, based on your reading which type would you recommend for the case of indiscipline from the you tube video above.
Activity 2: Causes of indiscipline in schools
  1. Give two reasons why the students become stubborn and hard to control.
  2. State six causes of indiscipline and say how you will try to suppress each one of them.

    Activity Resources

Activity3: Punishment
Read the link alternatives to corporal punishment, based on your reading answer the study question below.
Study question
1. Think of an incident of indiscipline in your local school and describe the punishment given. Briefly describe why punishment did or did not help the student involved.
Read through the topic three or four times before answering the questions below.
  1. Define discipline and illustrate your definitions by describing examples of good discipline you have observed in your school.
  2. How would you, as a teacher advice a parent who comes to you complaining about his daughter who has dropped out of school?
  3. Rewards improperly used may have a demoralizing effect on the student. Discuss.
·         Indiscipline in class Page  
·         Causes of indiscipline in class Page  
·         Discipline Page  

This topic began by defining discipline and then proceeded to distinguish the types of discipline, namely, preventive,supportive and corrective discipline are discussed.The causes of indiscipline were also identified.The topic also discussed punishment and alternatives to corporal punishment in school.The final part of the topic discussed principles of setting good disciplinary actions in schools.